Monday, April 5, 2010

Adoption - Journey to Motherhood Broadcast

The journey of adoption can be a difficult process not only for the children who have been adopted, but also for the parents and family members involved as well. I decided to empower the children with the literature I am writing - to ensure they all grow up with a better sense of self than what I experienced - the idea of self healing wasn't introduced to me until I was an adult and although it has been an amazing experience for me to discover who I am, I wish I had been able to grow up with the same knowledge and realization of being happy within myself rather than have to find out it was always okay to be me from the start. For me to be able to talk freely and let others know how I felt growing up is very rewarding - it can be hurtful to others to learn how I felt yet for me, for my healing and my growth as an individual, as a mother raising my children, I know it is crucial for me to be able to express everything I felt so I am able to finally let go of all the hurt, loneliness, abandonment, isolation, abuse, sadness and finally, of all the pain I had in my childhood.

I was asked to participate in an online radio interview with Mary Beth Wells who educates and informs others in the adoption journey process on her online radio show, Adoption - Journey to Motherhood. Mary Beth is an adoptive parent who has designed dolls to introduce children to the idea of adoption by giving them the chance to adopt a baby doll of their own. Learn a little bit more about Mary Beth by taking a look at her informtion below.

The show is based out of the United States and talks with a variety of guests covering all issues pertaining to adoption, adoptive parents, birth parents, adoptees, foster care, and maybe for a lot of people, infertility. The show deals with helping others who are starting out as parents, thinking about becoming parents, people who relinquished a child and all people interested in wanting information about adoption. I was very fortunate to be able to take part in this broadcast and expressed a lot of what I felt like growing up, some of the things I know I experienced in my childhood and never knew how to deal with. The opportunity for me to speak freely and inform others of what not to do when raising a child of a different race was great. I hope parents who listen to the show will understand and take charge of ensuring their children do not grow up with the same sadness I felt I had to be in for my childhood, my youth, and part of my adulthood.

I would like to say to all parents to take the time to listen to what your children come home with, ask questions of them, and most of all, support them, through all of their issues, big or small! Self image - Self confidence - Self esteem - all learned from the role model at home even before they reach the playground at school - so... Love them so they learn to love themselves - teach them so they learn to teach themselves - heal them so they learn to heal themselves!!

You can listen to the podcast at

Click on 04-05-10 show.

Adoption Journey to Motherhood

Adoption Journey to Motherhood

Mary Beth Wells

I'm a birth mom that relinquished a child for adoption and ended up coming full circle by adopting two beautiful little girls from Guatemala. My journey led me to start a doll company about adopting baby dolls from around the world so that children could choose their own doll and learn about that dolls heritage ~ thereby embracing another culture other than "our own". The heart knows no boundaries! Check out my site at

On my show, we will be talking to all moms and those wanting to become moms. We'll be talking about adoption, infertility, and just motherhood in general. We want to hear all voices sharing their stories that matter to them.

Adoptee author helping children fit in with her books/ Foster Care and Special Needs Adoption

April 5th - My guests will be Ola Zuri who is an adoptee and will be talking about her book, 'Why can't you look like me?" and helping children develop a postive self esteem. Also, I will have Carla Jackson who has adopted a special needs child that is now thriving!

Weekly on Monday's at 9:00 am to 10:00 am EST

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